Version 2Prison Break – Finding Personal Freedom by Mark Conner

Living in our broken world creates the possibility of becoming trapped by various negative emotions and habits that can easily become like a prison around us. In this helpful book, Mark Conner shares practical principles for finding freedom from common problems such as anger, fear, worry, rejection, depression, bad habits, and addictions. With God’s help you can make a prison break – beginning today.

Pass the Baton (2nd Edition) by Mark Conner

Pass-The-Baton CoverThere is no success without a successor and Christianity is always one generation away from extinction. These two sobering facts highlight the urgent need for successful leadership transition in today’s churches and ministries. CityLife Church (formerly Waverley Christian Fellowship) in Melbourne, Australia is a church that has successfully navigated three leadership transitions in it’s 50 year history.

Cover Pic (small)Transforming Your Church (2nd Edition) by Mark Conner

In this book, Mark Conner presents Seven Strategic Shifts that the church needs to make in order to be effective in the twenty-first century. There is an incredible urgency in the hour in which we live. These vital shifts will help you to keep in step with what the Holy Spirit is doing. You can make a significant contribution to ensure that the church of Jesus Christ emerges to impact communities, cities and nations for the kingdom of God.

Successful Christian Ministry by Dr. Mark A. Conner

What are the keys to building a high impact long lasting ministry? In this book, Mark Conner shares seven principles for building a successful Christian ministry with practical advice that will empower you to reach your God given potential and make a positive difference in the lives of others.