Cover Pic (small)When I became the Senior Minister of CityLife Church back  in 1995, I invested extensive time in prayer, study, research and reflection about principles for building a healthy and effective church. As a result, I was prompted to lead our church through seven "strategic shifts" over the next few years. This has resulted in much positive change and impact. 

Over the years, I have taught this material to many pastors and church leaders. Eventually, these principles were put into a book called Help Your Church Change and eventually an international version titled Transforming Your Church: Seven Strategic Shifts to Help Your Church Navigate the 21st Century. This was released in the year 2000 and then a completely updated and revised edition was published in 2010, with much additional matieral, including five new appendices covering topics such as church governance, the role of the senior minister, women in leadership, and self care for church leaders. This book has also been translated into Swedish, Indonesian and Russian.

You can purchase a paperback copy of this book from WORD Australia or City Christian Publishing in the USA (under the title Seven Strategic Changes Every Church Must Make) and also from Amazon. An eBook format version is also now available for Kindle at Amazion.

I pray that this book will continue to be a blessing to many churches and Christian leaders.