Ancient Practices (#6) – The Sacred Meal

A very important ancient practice for disciples is regular participation in the Lord’s Supper. This sacred meal is known by a number of terms including breaking bread, the table of the Lord, communion, and the Eucharist (which means thanksgiving).  Jesus instituted this practice when eating with his disciples just before his death (see Matt.26:26-29. Mark … Continue reading Ancient Practices (#6) – The Sacred Meal

Ancient Practices (#4a) – the Liturgical Year

This coming weekend, we continue with our "Ancient Practices" series. We will be looking at two unique practices: The Liturgical Year and Pilgrimage.  The English word "liturgy" means "a form of public worship, a particular arrangement of services, or a particular form or type of communion service." Every church tradition has some form of liturgy, … Continue reading Ancient Practices (#4a) – the Liturgical Year