Christmas 6. Get Organised.

Clean your office. Make an appointment with yourself. Block out plenty of time for this.

Sort through any filing cabinets, shelves, or desk drawers.

Clean out your email folders.

Throw away as much as possible.

Get your 2009 diary or calendar up to date.

You'll feel much better for it!


5 thoughts on “7 Things To Do Before Christmas (Pt.6)

  1. Hi Mark, no this is not a response about the 7 things to do before Christmas!
    Just to let you know that the message on Sat 6pm on Genuine Worship was what I needed to hear! I cried especially when the song Heart of Worship was being played. Been thru’ a spiritually dry patch lately so it really encouraged me to get my priorities in order & back to my first love in Christ! Thanks for a great, encouraging message! Blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones!

  2. Hi Mark,
    I concur with Tony. Sunday’s message was deep; ultimately, it’s all about God’s presence and voice. Thank You.

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