Are you passionate about a particular cause? Do you want to make a difference in the world? Then you could use some money. It's commendable to have a vision for a better future but without provision not a lot happens. But asking for money is not for the faint-hearted. It's never an easy exercise. Over … Continue reading My Top Ten Fund-Raising Tips
A Map of Life’s Journey
In a few months time I will be 58 years of age. As I grow older, I find myself reflecting more on my life. Where I've come from, where I've been, where and who I am now, and where I am going. I also observe other people in their own journey as they seek to … Continue reading A Map of Life’s Journey
ORIGINS: Genesis Re-Visited
The book of Genesis is a narrative of the origins of the world, but in particular the family of Abraham. Three major world religions trace their roots back to Abraham - Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The first 11 chapters cover what is often referred to as 'pre-history': from the beginnings of the universe through just … Continue reading ORIGINS: Genesis Re-Visited