Unknown We are already one week into the new year – 2011. Did you make any new year's resolutions?

ABC NEWS ran a story explaining why many people fail to keep their resolutions. The Barna Group recently conducted an extensive research project about Americans and their new year's resolutions. Read the full report here. It explains who makes resolutions, how many keep them, and the kinds of things people resolve to do and change.

I think that any type of resolution is a good thing – if it leads to positive change. After all, we reap what we sow and our decisions, not our conditions, determine our future. Lasting change requires commitment and character – which is the ability to follow through a decision, long after the emotion in which the decision was made has padded. 

Of course, as followers of Christ, we understand that we rely on God's strength and grace. I like what the apostle Paul said: "I can do all things (that's confidence!) … through Christ who strengthens me (that's dependence!).

I pray that this year is a fruitful one for you – and that you live of life of progress, going from strength to strength in your journey with God.   

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Thank you Mark. Pray the same to you and yours.
    My prayerful aim is to remain satisfied in Jesus, with total confidence through Christ who gives us strength, with a trusting heart that depends solely on God’s Holy Spirit to help and guide along the Way of Truth… to serve and do those things He called me to in faithful love and humble yielding obedience.
    Praying we all faithfully walk with God daily, serving together in His love and in unity, and stay strong in His Word each new day, to say YES LORD!… > to
    Yield < to His Sovereign will with expectant hearts of faith, that are filled with His love and Shalom peace to overflowing, and go with Him from strength to strength and from glory to glory to bless others and please God. It's a NEW day to serve with love! It's a NEW Year of expectancy ... and the best is YET to come! 🙂

  2. Sorry, I made a mistake in my last post….
    The last word in the YES LORD acronym is Depend…

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